or nearly…
I’ve finally found the sweet spot between my #GoTheDist goal being a challenge, but an attainable one. I knew that July would be bad, and it was. But I set two goals and I made one of two. The goal was 250K steps and I ended up with 260,908. Mileage goal was 117 and I ended up with 107.44. As good as my typical 300/125? No, but I pushed myself and did it.
August was more of the same with time away and travel time, but I thought I could do it and barring an apocalypse tomorrow, I will.
I set goals of 300,000 steps and 125 miles and I’m currently at 298,454 and 122.49. It wasn’t easy, I spent the end of a few vacation days at the gym and had to push myself to get off the couch on other days, but that’s what a goal should be.
Here’s to closing out Q3 in style…. and getting back to losing. And more reading, 28/40.