hello fall
I love you. You’re my favorite season. Actually I love spring too, but fewer allergies give the nod to fall. And what comes after fall? Quilt season! Well, my apartment is so toasty it’s never truly...
View Articlea funny thing happened on the way to goal
One of my 2021 goals: Start the year on pace for 900 miles. That was originally my hard goal for 2021, but as I mentioned, I have no idea what running will look like once we return to the office. Even...
View ArticleFabulous Fall Fun
Mom found the pic on the left on her phone, which sort of inspired the one on the right. We’re guessing it was from summer 2007 just before I chopped my hair for Locks of Love, although it was reddish...
View Articlesummer or fall?
I have a love/hate relationship with social media, but had my fifteen minutes of fame on Thursday-Friday when I tweeted about the ridiculous lack of recognition that SVU was getting for 500 episodes...
View Articlethis week’s runs were…
all in the evening (with the exception of Thursday) on days I don’t typically run scheduled around in person work and a COVID booster in tandem with walks to and from the office on two days the end of...
View ArticleRunners Roundup: NYCRUNS Haunted Island 10K
somehow, my first ever Halloween run. I’d planned to go full Halloween when I ran the Poland Spring 5M in 2017, but it was pouring and that’s the only time I’ve raced this weekend. Linking up with...
View ArticleNovember Coffee: Malibu Half & Half Marathon Training
I am over virtual races, especially expensive commercial ones, but this one is tempting. The sugar bomb drink this week was the white mocha hot chocolate which… tracked and moved on. Over non-virtual...
View ArticleRace Recap: Malibu Half Marathon
because my weekly run down can be summed up as: I ran and saw amazing bloggers (more on that in a post soon) on my ~ 1300 mile drive, I’m instead linking up with Kim and Deborah for this race recap of...
View Article42 and Grateful
another non rundown, but in honor of the holiday I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim to talk about running-adjacent things I’m grateful for. As I mentioned last week, I drove down to Florida for...
View ArticlePRs and Peloton challenges
are those two connected? If so, maybe there’s a PR in my January future. The run down isn’t much of one as I took it easy this week to get my calves, hamstring to calm the fuck down. Mission mostly...
View ArticleOh say can you dead bug?!
I was so excited to be a part of this challenge when Coco floated it by us. I ended up laughing so hard when I saw my “assignment”. If you’ve been here since my first PT stint, you might recall I could...
View Article2022 Goals
Christmas was different again this year, as it likely was if you celebrate. Luckily it also had a side of silliness with the inflatable tour through mom’s neighborhood Was able to see my brother,...
View ArticleFive Years Running
January 6, 2017 was cold and rainy and I did not relish walking an hour on the treadmill and staring at the shrubs. My gym at the time was sub-basement. I was still chasing steps and needed 10/12K and...
View ArticleRunning into 2022
running the hell away from 2021? I remain grateful to be healthy, working but I am utterly and totally over the last two years. A look back at 2021: GoTheDist December: 380,678 steps 176.74 miles...
View Articlehello winter
and to be honest, I really didn’t mind that much. It’s no secret I’ll take winter running over summer any day, and even when going for a walk, it’s more tolerable. That said, I did move some runs...
View Articlehave a nice trip, see you next fall
anyone else remember that taunt? Kids are such shits (and yes, guilty of that on occasion). Monday evening I was saying it to myself as I thankfully laughed off a very minor fall. When I became an...
View ArticleI have a kitchen table!
Yes, I can hear you laughing. That’s OK. I know you’re laughing with me in my excitement. I haven’t had a kitchen table I can sit at in a long time. This is semi self inflicted — when I bought a...
View Articlegrateful for running
Baseball, cheesecake and naps. Not a cheese cake person, but there was ice cream. this week is always hard on the heels of grandma’s anniversary last week. My beloved aunt, who was really like a...
View Articleon the train to taper town
sort of? Not really? It’s been no secret that I have no idea whether I’m actually training for the Central Park half. Background: I was supposed to run the Frozen Penguin in early January, but it was...
View Articlerunning through all the seasons
Meant to mention this last week and I forgot. Listened to Victoria Sekely on the Strength Running podcast and it was amazing look at the role between prehab and PT and why strength training makes for...
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